Monday, October 19, 2009

Naughty, Naughty blogger

I’ve been a bad blogger as I’ve neglected to blog the entire week leading up to the vote. But here are a few anecdotes and observations from the weekend’s activities. I’ve tried to stay away from news that other bloggers/media have already reported on.

-Depending on your sense of humour, EMCEE Eric Robinson’s off colour jokes at the Premier’s tribute event either kept you giggling like a 10 year old boy in sex ed. class or shifting uncomfortably in your seat. My favourite line that I can repeat on this blog (and I’m paraphrasing) “we shouldn’t be crying, after all, the guy’s not dead you know” (referring to Doer leaving for Washington).

-A second great line was from Alex Forrest who told a story about California firefighters who remarked that they would gladly trade two Arnold Schwarzeneggers for one Gary Doer.

-Emily Doer, Gary’s oldest daughter stole the show and gave us a humorous glimpse into the family’s personal life. It was easy to see that this apple did not fall far from the Doer tree. There was one spoiled ballot and I’m pretty sure it went to Emily Doer.

-Selinger is 58 and if successful in the 2011 election would likely serve only one term. In six years time, Ashton will be 59. Does anyone think we’ve seen the last of him? Selinger has also confirmed that Ashton will be in his Cabinet which is probably a good move for party unity and to keep an eye on him.

-“Opposition leaders in Manitoba are warning the grace period for incoming premier Greg Selinger could be a short one. "I think the honeymoon will be brief to non-existent," said Hugh McFadyen, leader of Manitoba's Progressive Conservative party” CBC.

No kidding. Only hours after Selinger was elected, the Tories put out a lame release attacking the new Premier.

1 comment:

  1. Ashton needed another 300+ delegates for a victory. If Inkster had gone the other way, that would have put him 60 votes closer. MYND, that's another 40. The labour delegate selection fiasco, if it had been handled in any way approaching fairness, would have put a victory as much as 50 votes closer.

    I doubt the alleged irregularities in other ridings would have made up the remainder of the gap. It would have made the race a whole lot more interesting, and the result a more fair reflection of Ashton's support. He would have still come up short, however.

    Bottom line -- I don't think it's fair to suggest Ashton had no good reason for his complaints. However, under the rules as they were the fact of Selinger's victory (if not the apparent magnitude) was as it should be.

    We shouldn't make the mistake of assuming that 1/3 of the delegates means 1/3 of the party members supported Ashton. I am sure you'd find the number of members in ridings voting for Ashton delegate slates was much closer to half (in total) than that.

    I expect a high profile cabinet post for Ashton -- any guesses as to which one?
